なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK
EARTH Hiroshimaの折り鶴再生紙商品ライン「Re:ORIZURU」と、株式会社カミーノが展開する折り鶴再生紙でできた扇「FANO」のコラボレーション商品です。
3つの扇、「Re:ORIZURU FANO-smile-」、「Re:ORIZURU FANO -passion-」、「Re:ORIZURU FANO -more smile-」の柄は全て、広島市の就労継続支援B型事業所「ぽんぽん」に通う利用者の方々によって描かれました。その文字や表現をもとにフォントやパターンが制作され、アートディレクター・納島 正弘教授率いる広島市立大学芸術学部の研究室により、デザインが施されています。
〈Re:ORIZURU / リ・オリヅル〉
"EARTH Hiroshima"のエコでエシカルな折り鶴再生アイテムライン。
*** EARTH Hiroshima〈Re:ORIZURU〉のSDGs ***
・素材:《扇面/パッケージ》折り鶴再生紙(折り鶴再生パルプ30% /牛乳パック再生パルプ70%)
・原産国 日本
~Creative and playful fans, made from recycled paper cranes, with artwork by disabled people~「Re:ORIZURU FANO」
These ethical, eco-friendly fans are made from recycled paper cranes sent to Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park from all over the world.
Fonts and patterns created from the letters, art and everyday expressions of people with disabilities are designed at the laboratory of the Faculty of Art, Hiroshima City University.
Re:ORIZURU FANO" is a new lineup for "Re:ORIZURU," an ethical, eco-friendly product line from EARTH Hiroshima, using paper recycled from paper cranes.
All three fans, "Re:ORIZURU FANO -smile-," "Re:ORIZURU FANO -passion-," and "Re:ORIZURU FANO -more smile-" were drawn by users who attend "Pong Pong," a continuous employment support (type B) workshop.
Fonts and patterns were created based on their characters and expressions, and designed by the laboratory of the Faculty of Art, Hiroshima City University, led by art director Professor Masahiro Nohjima.
As you spread the fan, a smile will spread too. The original, playful illustration will make your heart feel more positive. The design somehow conveys a warm mysterious, and gentle feeling.
Price: 3,850 yen (tax included)
《Fan surface/Package》 Paper recycled from paper cranes (30% recycled pulp from paper cranes/70% recycled pulp from milk cartons)
《Handle/String clasp》Japanese cypress wood
Size: 《Fully opened》 length 33cm / fan diameter 22cm 《Closed》 length 24cm
Country of origin: Japan
*A portion of the profits will be used to fund the activities of “ ONGAESHI project,” an activity contributing to society.
<About “Re:ORIZURU”>
- 折り鶴再生紙でできた扇「FANO」 -
"FANO" a fan made from recycled paper cranes
■Product design and Sales:Camino Co.,Ltd.
“FANO" is a fan designed using recycled paper cranes donated to Hiroshima.
Initiated by Hiroshima City, this is one of our efforts to sublimate the desire for peace contained in origami paper cranes. The colorful fragments of origami cranes remain in some places, giving each piece a unique appearance, and the natural cream-colored texture, combined with the texture of the Japanese paper, gives the fan a soft look.
We would like to express our gratitude to everyone around the world who folded and sent us origami paper cranes, utilizing ideas and techniques unique to the Japanese people.
We hope that these paper cranes, reborn as FANO, will carry a "wind of peace" all over the world.
- 障がいのある方のアートを、新しい表現の提案に -
Proposing a new form of expression
■Original picture:NPO Hull Pong
Our core concept is the pursuit of the enjoyment that comes from the collaborative efforts of artists and designers. To make the expressions of people with disabilities more appealing, we created fonts and patterns from their letters, art, and everyday expressions, and created a new approach through design.
The art was selected for the purpose of making it into patterns for secondary use in products, etc. The font was also created in such a way that it can be used for various purposes. We hope that the art will not just be trimmed from the original, but will also be used by society as a new mode of expression.
- このフォントやパターンが、笑顔を生み出してくれることを願って -
Hoping that this design will help create smiles
■デザイン/納島 正弘(広島市立大学 芸術学部 デザイン工芸学科 視覚造形 教授)
当研究室では、障がいのあるかたの文字やアート、日常的な表現から制作したフォントやパターン”Peace font”を、デザインし提案しています。コンセプトは、「子供であれ、老人であれ、障害者であれ社会的弱者と言われる方々の笑顔が平和であることのバロメーター」。このフォントやパターンが、その笑顔を生み出してくれることを願っています。
■Design:Hiroshima City University Faculty of Arts V.C. Design Nohjima Labo
As an individual research project, our laboratory proposes "Peace font" as a design, which is a font or pattern made from art drawn by people with disabilities. The concept is that "the smiles of those who are considered socially vulnerable, whether children, the elderly, or the disabled, are the barometer of peace.“ We hope that this font and pattern will help create those smiles.