折り鶴化粧筆(熊野筆)/ Orizuru makeup brush (Kumano brush)
なら 手数料無料の 翌月払いでOK
デザイン:K'sデザイン室 (金具 智子)
■株式会社晃祐堂 取締役社長:土屋武美
Orizuru pattern on a Kumano makeup brush gives you a warm feeling
Goats-hair powder & cheek brush with an orizuru illustration on the handle. Each brush is handmade, ensuring a superfine feel.The brush fits well in the hand and can also stand by itself for display.
Designed by K’s design room(Tomoko Kanagu)
Size: W35×H68×D35mm(length of fur about 38mm)
Hiroshima-born traditional craft “Kumano brush”
“Kumanocho” is the traditional town where Kumano brush craftsmen have passed down their techniques since the end of Edo period.
Makeup professionals both in Japan and abroad love Kumano brushes for their superfine touch and good finishing. Kumano brushes are made only by aligning the hair’s edges, never by cutting them. This process allows the tips to absorb powder finely so that the makeup finishing is smooth as bare skin.
■Koyudo Co., Ltd. President:Takemi Tsuchiya
Kumano makeup brushes for women of the world
Kumano brushes are a traditional Japanese craft. The superfine touch and great makeup finishing are highly valued. Our brushes are well-known abroad as well as in Japan. But we’re trying to gain more recognition and positively promoting ourselves overseas. This brush combines lavish goat-hair bristles and a stylish, colorful orizuru illustration on the handle to add the taste of Hiroshima and a wish for peace. I think it will give you a warm feeling every time you use it. We targeted every women in the world when we produced this makeup brush.